Read Complete Guide: How Can You Tell if Someone Restricted You on Messenger

how to know if someone restricted you on messenger
how to know if someone restricted you on messenger

In todays digital world of communications, Facebook Messenger is one amongst the known medium where people keep in touch with pals — either privately or at work. From simple conversations with friends to complex interactions at work, Messenger enables the control of communication on both sides. One of these features is the Restrict, a way to prevent some users from seeing your shared content without blocking them entirely.

Then how do you know if someone has blocked on Messenger? It is not so obvious like the blocking unlike restrictions feature uniformly applies harder to detect actions. This post is a definitive guide to know everything about the “Restrict” feature, how does it work & ways of identifying if you have been restricted by someone on Messenger.

What is the “Restrict” on Messenger?

We will, of course, get into the telltale signs that you have been restricted on Messenger by someone… eventually but first it is important to clear up in our minds what “Restrict” actually does. Dubbed as a method of “protecting our community from unwanted interactions while not having to unfollow or block someone,” Restrict lets users:

Media: Prevent interacting by the device with another user without informing him

Instead, quickly keep conversations out of the main chat feed.

Filter Notifications for Messages from that person

Selective: Move only some, meaningful conversations into a folder that they can access when they want.

This feature essentially allows someone to still have a weak connection with you, while diminishing their visibility — as opposed to blocking where all contact is severed.

How Does “Restrict” Work?

If someone blocks you on Messenger, your messages will no longer be visible in their primary chat list and they become totally unaware of new text sent. Still, those messages will appear in their restricted folder. End result is that you are in a situation where the other person may or might not be seeing your messages but it could be being pushed to side.

Unlike blocked contacts, who are completely stranded by the blockage and prevented from sending messages to youlkYou cannot send messaged there in restricted contact list. This makes spotting restrictions that much harder.

Signs That You are Restrictions By someone on Messenger

Messenger no longer sends you any notification that someone restricted you, but there are certain behaviors and clues to let you know if your message was in the filtered box. Here are a few important markers:

1. Message Delivery Status

If all the above tricks are not working then your message deliver status is one of the biggest sign you are restricted. When messaging on Messenger, you will typically see one of the following symbols next to your message:

Open Circle: This means the message is in the process of being sent but has not been delivered. This could be because the network is down, or it might mean that message has been delayed by a (multi-)hop in sending.

Checkmark in a Filled Circle: this means the message has been sent but not received by recipient’s device.

Profile of a Person in Filled Circle with centers and separated from it: The receiver has read the message.

If you find that your messages are staying in the “sent” state (e.g. filled circle with a checkmark) for an unusually long period of time without being delivered, then this could be indicative that you have been restricted from direct messaging her. While this could also mean the person is just not online or ignoring you, it generally signifies restricted folder placement.

2. Inactivity of the Individual

One more hint that may tell you about being blocked — lack of visible activity associated with this person on Messenger. If even when active on facebook (liking posts, you know the drill) they keep looking complete inactive on messenger like never opening your messages back and completely ignoring all of them showing as always idle? This could also be a sign.

For instance, if you guys used to talk back and forth a lot and now all of the sudden out of nowhere very little communication has been going on in comparison without any explanation it could mean that they have indeed restricted/filtering your interaction with them.

3. Last Seen Status Hidden

On Messenger, it normally displays the last time someone used/active. It helps you check whether the concerned person is online and when was he or she last connected to Messenger. However, even though you were able to see it before, if the individual puts restrictions on your account — as we mentioned in that part of this context—then their last seen status will disappear.

Note: Some users turn off their active status for all contacts, so if you don’t see it they are not necessarily restricted. Hint: If you can view active status for others but, not in this case then it might create a trouble signal.

4. The way messages are responded and the notifications you receive have changed as well.

When someone blocks you on Messenger, they will not receive any of our messages. You may have been restricted if they’ve responded to messages or answered them in a timely manner before and all of the sudden you just stop hearing from this person! For all you know, if they continue to never text back but hey still reply and engage with others via social media then it might just be worth bracing for a restriction.

5. Disappearing from Group Chats

You will still be able to view and reply on the group chat for as long you are part of it but any direct messages with that person would fail. Alternatively, if they still engage in the group chat but no longer want to have anything to do with you every time then it is likely that he is withdrawing you on Messenger.

But this could also be indicative of a broader problem, like being too busy or not liking group chats in general — you have to take that into account.

6. Direct Confirmation

The best way to really know you have been restricted is by simply telling the person. That said, you may feel uncomfortable due to the fact that it obviously points towards some personal issue but this is literally as open a method of getting an answer out there. Nevertheless, this method needs to be done with tact as accusing someone of holding you back can become detrimental in relationships.

If you do not wish to engage in a face-to-face encounter with the person, consult mutual friends and inquire if they have noticed any differences of expression or communication.

Dealing with Restrictions on Messenger

While it might be disappointing and even slightly offensive to find out someone has restricted you on Messenger, the key is responding maturely. If you think that may be the case for yourself, here is what to do:

1. Don’t Take It Personally

Narrowing down someone does not mean the person hates you and completely removed from themself.. Typically, the restrict feature is used to set limits or for situations where communication becomes too much to handle with non-followers. Recognize that it simply may not be about you and more so, the other individual needing space.

2. Give It Time

People who you think have distanced from(regardless, of the fact that they may not), just give a little space and time for yourself to be around. They could just be dealing with something that random for a little bit of silence. And after a few weeks contact again to see if anything has changed.

3. Communicate Another Way

If you think that talking with this person might be of importance, go to other channel and try sending an email or making a phone call notifying her/him there could be something wrong on website. Come at the issue with empathy and not accusation.

4. Respect Their Boundaries

At the end of the day, you need to respect their judgement if they chose not to engage with you anymore. Right to personal digital boundaries Of course, each of you can choose the way they deal with digitallife. This can maintain the relationship in time.


Messenger’s ‘Restrict‘ feature aims to protect users without severing ties While there are no clear signs to indicate that someone has restricted you, we have listed a few clues in this article which could mean you might be speedy-restricted. However, the ideal solution is to definitely respect their boundaries and deal with unity. Email is complicated stuff, and some of the healthiest ways to communicate online are just methods of giving each other space.


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