Complete Mass Unfollow Tool Guide for Instagram

how to mass unfollow on instagram
how to mass unfollow on instagram

Instagram is a social media platform that connects individuals across the globe and allows them to let their lives, businesses or interests through photos video posting sharing stories. But when your list of followers and those you are following gets bigger, it can start to be a big problem. While sometimes you might be wanting to declutter your feed, or increase the engagement rate of your account — other times it seems like we just need a fresh start and want to return back to consuming that content which is important. In this write-up, we willl help you on how to mass unfollow instagram buddies & followers, explaining the reasons, ways of doing and best tools + precautions to adopt for a safer mass removal from your account!

The Deceptive Art of Mass Unfollowing on Instagram

So, let´s recap your “why” before we get to the how… Remove ghost folloers or fake followers on your instagram account.

1. Improve Engagement Rate

At best, following too many accounts will cause your feed to become very cluttered and you find it hard to keep up with the content that really matters. Okay, maybe that second all-stars game is a bit of an over-exaggeration but nevertheless you will most likely begin to focus more on liking what it is exactly your seeing in the feed and those who post instead. This can help increase your engagement rate overall.

2. Curate a Relevant Feed

Written by August Generic On 30th September, Your hobbies and favorite stuff can be different overtime. You can start by curating a more relevant and tailored feed through unfollowing accounts which are no longer of interest to you.

3. Manage Your Mental Health

By the way, social media and mental health! Having too many accounts you follow, especially the ones that create negative vibes or stress will kinda make it messy. Those are the accounts you should unfollow if it is someone like that.

4. Click Now to Improve Your Account

Balanced # of Followers to Following for Businesses & Influencers This reduces the following count to follower ratio making it look more appealing and credible for potential followers.

A Guide to Mass Unfollowing on Instagram

3 Ways to Unfollow Everyone on Instagram We can unfollow mass people, from the manual method to third party tool. The pros and cons of each, will now be discussed.

1. Manual Unfollowing

Step-by-Step Guide:

Step 1: Navigate to Your Profile On the Instagram app, tap on your profile icon generally located in the bottom right.

Follow list: Click on the ‘Following’ count to view accounts they follow.

Step 2: Unfollow Accounts (Just click the “following” button next to each account) You see a button changes to “Follow” signaling that you have now stopped following this account.


Ability to choose which accounts you want to unlist.

You cannot run the risk of violating Instagrams terms and conditions.


This can be particularly why a guide method is more time-consuming, especially if you handle lots of followed reports.

Monotonous and cesspool of errors when done in larger quantities.

2. Native Instagram Tools

There are new features introduced by Instagram that can help users manage who they follow more effectively:

Least Interacted WithMost Shown in Feed

Browse These Categories: Visit your following list and tap on the “Categories”。”

Unfollow by Activity: These sections rank accounts you’ve least (or most) engaged with that often crop up in your feed, so whether it’s knowing who not to unfollow or licking a page and leaving for good, it’ll soon become evident.


Streamlined process.

Which can help prioritize who you will unfollow them on engagement.


Unfollow is still manual though.

Confined to the accounts Instagrams algorithm identified.

3. Third-Party Tools/Solutions

Third-party apps and tools can be a good option if you need to unfollow many accounts quickly. Some popular apps include:

Cleaner for Instagram

Unfollowers & Ghost Followers

Instagram Followers Insight

Step-by-Step Guide:

Step 1 – Download and Install the App : Pick a trusted app from Google Play Store or The Apple Apps Store.Download_Reference: AIDE [Price- Free] OR JAVACOMPILE [Rate — INR28.00 | Trial out there]OR any other of your selection

Login Your Instagram Account: Almost all applications will ask you to log in with your instagram username and password.

Choose multiple accounts to unfollow – From the apps interface, choose as many of your friends you think are better off getting cut.

Mass Unfollow: Enter the unfollowing workflow, and StepUp will take care of the following accounts on behalf.


Great for busy accounts following thousands of others.

A few apps even offer more than that, eg. showing you ghost followers or identifying inactive accounts in general etc..


Your account may get suspended if Instagram notices any unusual activity.

Security concerns as your account must be accessible to third-party apps

Precautions & Best Practices

Anyway, mass unfollowing can be worthwhile but also dangerous so you need to tread carefully:

1. Avoid Unfollowing Too Quickly

There is a limit on the number of actions you can take (follows, unfollows, likes… per hour/day/month…) Breaking these rules will cause temporary action blocks or even the suspension of your account.

2. Use Trusted Third-Party Apps

Where applicable, use a third-party app you can trust (be sure to find one with good reviews). Watch for apps which want more permissions than necessary or have lower security ratings.

3. Monitor Account Performance

Then you can monitor the performance of your account after mass unfollow, including engagement rate and follow up. Remember to modify your unfollowing strategy based on whether it harms you in another way.

4. Play around with Your Following-Follower Ratio

Though keeping the follows under control is ciritical to successful Instagram marketing, it also remains a great way for eCommerce and influencer accounts to build credibility.


Therefore, mass unfollow on Instagram can be very useful to clean up your timeline and shortly make it easier for yourself. We know that you can do it manually, use the built-in features of Instagram or hire a third-party app but whatever way choose to take please be mindful. Therefore, practicing the tips and rules covered in this article will guarantee that your mass unfollowing procedure is a lot more safe, effective; as well as additionally much better for your basic Instagram experience.

Instagram is where people go to connect and engage. Although, we still need to follow an account in order to unfollow them later due but the purpose of having interactions with kept accounts should be much more meaningful.


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